Wednesday, October 5, 2016


Hi everyone, thanks for stopping by! I need to be honest with you from the get go, my name isn't really Ginger Gallagher. For the sake of my family, friends and full time job I felt like it was probably better to write under a pseudonym. This blog is all about the trials and tribulations of my online dating "adventures". I've obviously changed the names of the dudes in the stories, however, if you find that you relate to one of the characters you probably need to reevaluate your life and quit being a douche since 95% of the guys in my stories are in fact a douche. I'm not a grammatical wizard or literary genius so if I have a run-on sentence or throw a comma in the wrong place, just let it slide. This blog will by no means be formal, it will likely contain graphic/suggestive language and is definitely not meant for the eyes of children. There's no need to judge my poor decisions, just read, laugh, commiserate, enjoy or move on to a more boring blog. I hope that some of you can relate to what I'm going through and that you feel my pain as a single, 30 something, career driven woman just trying to get my date on.

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